Crossing Off the Bucket List

I made a bucket list sometime back in 2010–the year I graduated high school and started college. And it has already been five years! I crossed off a couple things that year (or prior to that), plus a couple more in 2011 and 2012, and I have been adding more items to list as I think of them.

But 2013 was really the year for bucket list items. I crossed ten things off of my list over the span of twelve months: #20 become an organ donor, #24 feel beautiful in a bikini, #25 go skinny dipping, #34 go skydiving, #38 go zip-lining, #45 study abroad (Ireland), #53 go windsurfing, #54 spend a major holiday in its country of origin (St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland), #57 love myself fully, and #59 work a job that makes me happy.

I averaged less than one item per month, which isn’t much, but it was still easily my favorite year so far. If I could cross five items off the list every month, I would be ecstatic. But that’s not likely. It is already almost the end of March and I have not crossed anything off this year.

Here are fifteen things I would like to cross off the list in 2015:

  • #7: Learn to play guitar
  • #16: Go on a road trip
  • #33: Ride in a hot air balloon
  • #36: See a sunrise and sunset in one day
  • #49: Learn to use a sewing machine
  • #62: Plant a tree
  • #70: Sleep on a trampoline
  • #83: Buy a ticket and make a spontaneous trip to another state or country
  • #87: Go to a drive-in movie theatre
  • #95: Create a family tree
  • #97: Learn a new language (French or German)
  • #103: Take a cooking class
  • #104: Practice yoga, every day for a month
  • #106: Bake a rainbow cake
  • #107: Learn how to crack an egg with one hand

There are over 100 items on my list and I want to cross off as many as I can while I can. It’s reassuring, in a way, to have so many things to look forward to doing now and for years to come. If you don’t already have a bucket list of your own, I suggest making one right away. What will you cross off your bucket list this year?

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